Development and assessment of an interdisciplinary and international course: Psychological foundations for responsible citizen- and leadership in diverse environments

Hüther-Pape, L.M. (Lisa)
University of Freiburg, Dept.of Psychology, Engelbergerstr. 41, 79085, Freiburg, Germany


Submission type

Poster only


Poster Sessions 2 (10.30-11:00), 21-07-2016, 10:30 - 11:00


interdisciplinary, diversity, workshops, educational psychology, social psychology, learning products


This contribution details the development, objectives, implementation experience, and outcomes of a course conveying psychological approaches and findings to students from an international and interdisciplinary study program who have no access to regular psychology-classes in the German university system.

The course ‘Psychological foundations for responsible citizen- and leadership in diverse environments’ is designed to provide a comprehensive, scientifically based understanding of processes in human cognition and interaction which may hinder or advance successful performance, communication, and cooperation, specifically where individuals with diverse backgrounds interact.

Drawing on findings from education (psychology) research, the course concept requires students to prepare and implement workshops on selected focus topics for their fellow students. Thus, while students practice, improve and actively reflect their own educational skills, all course members shall benefit from the expertise on cognitive and social psychological phenomena and approaches gained by their peers. Fostering sustainable effects and knowledge transfer, a learning product in the form of a workshop-guide on covered topics is developed by the students. Further assessing attainment of educational objectives, knowledge concerning covered topics is assessed pre- and post course completion.


Lisa Hüther-Pape