If you get it you can teach it!? How to foster pre-service teachers’ teaching skills and understanding of learning

Horn, DH (Dorothea)1, Grötzbach, DG (Daniel)1, Drechsel, BD (Barbara)2
1Bamberg University, Luisenstraße 5, 96047, Bamberg Germany
2Bamberg University, Markusplatz 3, 96047, Bamberg Germany


Submission type

Poster only


Poster Sessions 3 (15.00-15.30)


Teaching self-regulated learning, theory-practice transfer, self reflection skills, teachers as learning experts


Understanding learning processes and self-regulated learning to assess students’ individual learning and support them accordingly is crucial for future teachers. Yet, common university learning settings scarcely provide the possibility of making the leap from understanding learning strategies to teaching them to students. Therefore, we implemented a psychology seminar to offer this theory-practice transfer and to gain insight into the relation between pre-service teachers’ understanding and teaching of self-regulated learning. The poster introduces the didactical concept of the seminar in which participants are prepared for and closely mentored while offering four 60-minute training sessions on self-regulated learning to students from local schools. The sessions follow a detailed manual from which units can be chosen according to the students’ needs. Throughout the process of preparing for and conducting the training sessions, the pre-service teachers take part in three group discussions and answer questions in a standardized diary focusing on the reflection of their teaching experience. First qualitative analyses indicate that pre-service teachers not only immensely value the practical experience as “strategy-coaches” and report higher self-confidence and self-efficacy expectations, but also seem to benefit for their own self-regulated learning. Further results will be presented and implications for university learning settings discussed.


Dorothea Horn

Daniel Grötzbach

Barbara Drechsel