
Keynote dr. Sari Lindblom (University of Helsinki): The importance of the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SOTL-)model in enhancing quality at university

Dr. Sari Lindblom
University of Helsinki, Finland
The importance of the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SOTL)-model in enhancing quality at university

Evidence-based discipline-specific development of teaching and learning is a key principle to enhance the quality of students’ learning outcomes. Learning and teaching processes take place in real-life environments and are therefore very complicated in nature. Research can help identify factors that contribute to high-quality teaching and learning. Some findings from educational research often make sense intuitively and can even sound self-evident. However, the development of teaching and learning cannot be based on previous experiences or on intuition only, as the empirical evidence often reveals complicated inter-relationships or even counter-intuitive aspects which need to be considered.