
Coffee/tea & Poster Session 3

Please note that posters should be presented in A0-format (standing). Authors are required to set up their presentation before 9 AM (morning sessions) or 1 pm (afternoon sessions). It is appreciated if the authors will be present during the poster presentations.



Poster Sessions 3 (15.00-15.30)
Poster only: Teaching and testing with data graphs using R-Shiny
msc. D Reimann (Daniel), dr. R Gaschler (Robert), dr. F Zhao (Fang), dr. V Kubik (Veit)
Poster only: Survey of Teaching methods preferred and Learning strategies employed by undergraduate and graduate students of Psychology in Pune city
MISS UMA DEO , Deo , (Uma ,)
Poster only: What can we learn about teachers' professional vision from eye-tracking data?
L. Sokolová, M. Lemešová
Poster only: Education and Competencies of a Bachelor's Degree in Psychology
ms N Falzon (Nicola), professor S Dutke (Stephan), dr H Bakker (Helen), professor I Stuchlikova (Iva), dr I Papageorgi (Ioulia)
Poster only: If you get it you can teach it!? How to foster pre-service teachers’ teaching skills and understanding of learning
DH Horn (Dorothea), DG Grötzbach (Daniel), prof. dr. BD Drechsel (Barbara)