Building capacity for successful exposure to traumatic memories. A psychodynamic approach in a traumafocussed psychotherapy.

, Cornelissen, C (Kees)1, Oonk, J. (Joy)2, Verpoort-Douw, J (José)3
1private practice, Breda, Nederland
2Stichting Centrum 45, Oegstgeest, Nederland
3De Viersprong, Halsteren, Nederland


Submission type

Oral and Poster


Parallel Session V: Berlage zaal, 09-06-2018, 09:00 - 10:30


Trauma,, psychodynamic psychotherapy, istdp




mensen met veel ervaring met het onderwerp


Every patient entering a trauma-focussed therapy encounters a considerable amount of anxiety for the process of the therapy , knowing that the exposure to the traumatic memories and the overwhelming feelings accompanying these memories are the means to diminish the suffering from his symptoms. Despite the conscious will to work together with the therapist, the high rise of anxiety often leads to unconscious resistance and a rise of symptoms and the erection of more defences, resulting in avoiding the therapeutic task (exposure) , demotivation and drop out. In this workshop a model based on istdp-principles (intensive short-term dynamic therapy) is presented which aims to build capacity in the patient to face the reality of the traumatic event and experience deep feelings of anger, guild and grief, in a safe way. The therapist will help the patient to learn to regulate his anxiety in a more healthy way and to get him acquainted with his defences. When the anxiety is monitored in a moment to moment procedure and the emerging defences confronted, identified and clarified, the underlying feelings directly connected to the trauma, can come to expression Videofragments from therapy sessions will be used as demonstration, theory explained.


Kees Cornelissen

Joy Oonk

José Verpoort-Douw