INVITED SYMPOSIUM: Empathy as fundamental for psychotherapy


Submission type



Parallel Session V: Graanbeurszaal, 09-06-2018, 09:00 - 10:30


Empathy, empathic failures, countertransference



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Topics in this symposium are the clinical use of processempathy in psychotherapy, empathic failures and repair, the role of countertransference in empathy and empathic failures. We will also pay attention to working with patients with zero-empathy.


Nelleke Nicolai

The analysis of counter-transferential reveries as a way to deepen person empathy.

Hebbrecht, M (Marc)


Abstract ID


Submission type

Oral only


After a brief theoretical introduction on the current status of psychoanalytic view on person empathy, a clinical vignette from the psychoanalytic psychotherapy of a patient with dysthymia is presented in which the utility of the analysis of counter transferential reveries is reported. The reverie of the therapist is conceived as an intersubjective analytic third and helps to resolve a therapeutic impasse. This leads to an increase in authenticity of the therapist which promotes empathic understanding of the patient and contributes to significant change.

Materiaal en methodes

Presentation of a clinical casehistory and discussion


After the workshop participants will be able to use their own countertransferential feelings to deepen their empathic understanding of the patient


Marc Hebbrecht

Discussion with participant and roleplaying

Nicolai, N.J. (Nelleke)


Abstract ID


Submission type

Oral only


Nelleke Nicolai

See me, feel me, touch me, heal me

Vanaerschot, G. (Greet)


Abstract ID


Submission type

Oral only


Empathy is crucial for satisfying human relationships. It is the basis of human contact, emotional connectedness and taking care for each other. Understanding the nature of empathy and how it develops from birth on is important in order to understand the fundamental importance of empathy for the psychotherapeutic human encounter. Over the years, empathy has generally been considered by various therapeutic schools to be a means of ensuring relational safety, of decreasing the client’s defensiveness, and of strengthening the working alliance. However psychotherapeutic schools differ in how they understand and implement empathy in their way of working. We will elaborate on one mode: process empathy.

Materiaal en methodes

Presentation of clinical case and discussion


After the presentation participants are able to differentiate between different forms of empathy.


Greet Vanaerschot

Empathic flaws, failures and ruptures in psychotherapy

Nicolai, N.J. (Nelleke)


Abstract ID


Submission type

Oral only


Empathic flaws, failures and ruptures are common in psychotherapy. In the interactional flow between patient and therapist is all too easy to misunderstand each other, to miss important emotional cues or to overlook hidden wishes and needs. Part of it is due to transference and counter transference issues, but many ruptures are caused by not knowing what to observe and a failure to repair. Often unrecognized ruptures cause therapeutic standstills or even worsening of the patient's problems In my contribution I will pay attention to the signs of empathic failure and how to redress it. I will also expand on the role of self regulation and interactive regulation. From infant research in mother-child interaction, that becomes part of implicit relational functioning, it is known that repairing of empathic failures and balancing between self regulation and interactive regulation is responsible for a more flexible and safe internal working mode

Materiaal en methodes

Presentation of research and cases


After the workshop participants are able to discern empathic failures and will know ways to repair them


Nelleke Nicolai