Growing up under a shadow: Children born of sexual violence

Van Ee, E (Elisa)


Submission type

Oral only


Parallel Session III: Berlage zaal, 08-06-2018, 13:00 - 14:30


sexual violence, attachment, mother-child relationship




Children born of sexual violence are particularly vulnerable as the origins of the child affect the mother-child relationship and the relationship of both the mother and the child with the community. It is this complexity which prevents the development of a simple and coherent framework related to victimhood and which contributes to the silence surrounding children born of rape. As a consequence of the trauma of the mother, the stigmatization of the mother, the stigmatization of the child, and the consequences of these mechanisms for the development of the child these children clearly face distinct risks through the life-span.

Materiaal en methodes

Substantial research on the actual fate of these children is extremely limited. Qualitative interviews were used to study the expert opinion of 14 therapist who worked internationally with mother and their children born of sexual violence.


Experts explored the multi-layered needs of these mothers and children and mechanisms of change in therapy from different perspectives (e.g. trauma, attachment, identity, community, culture, legal and political context).


Children born of sexual violence are clearly at risk as these children are seen as a living reminder of the rape and rapist their secure attachment and development is endangered.


Elisa Van Ee