Listening to Children to Enhance their Development: the LovePOEM

Hazel, C E (Cynthia)


Submission type

Oral and Poster


Room 107, 10-07-2019, 13:30 - 15:00


Listening, Child Development, Compassion


This workshop will present a means to enhance adult listening to children. Many models of child developmental suggest that adults listening to children has positive impacts on, and may even be imperative to, healthy development.  However, listening effectively is an effortful, multifaceted task that has increased in complexity in the 21st Century, and listening to children has some specific challenges.

The initial part of the workshop will be didactic: I will present research on listening to children and its benefits to development and the LovePOEM (compassionate mindset towards self and others, pause, observe, empathize, message). Then, participants will be invited to think-pair-share: (1) think on a relationship with a child, (2) apply the LovePOEM process to this relationship, and (3) reflect on how the LovePOEM provided insights on supporting the child’s development. After utilizing the LovePOEM personally, individuals will form dyads to discuss the LovePOEM and support each other in expanding their listening. The workshop will end by coming back together as a whole group to discuss experiences and impressions, the utility of training adults in the LovePOEM to enhance children’s development, and ask for any questions or ideas for next steps.  


Cynthia Hazel