Searching for a communication training program to LD college students by designed-based research

Chiu, I (I-Ting)1, Hung, L (Li-Yu)1, Lin, C (Ching-Ju)2
1National Taiwan Normal University, 162, Section 1, Heping E. Rd., 116, Taipei City
2Hsing Wu University, 101, Sec.1, Fenliao Rd., LinKou District, 24425, New Taipei City


Submission type

Poster only


Hallway, 22-07-2016, 16:00 - 17:00


communication training, learning disabilities, communication difficulties, design-based research, college students


The learning disabled (LD) youths with communication difficulties faced the related problems at home, in school and in society during their grow-up. Their special needs of communication are neglected after childhood. The professional services for the college students with LD have to face the challenge. Therefore, the study aims to develop a communication training program to support this special needs by design-based research. The program was integrated the linguistic, ecological, and functional approach and was designed on the base of learners’ language competence, needs and daily functions. Both dependent and independent variables were measured and considered in the design as well. The program consisted of 10-session training which focused on pragmatic skills. The objectives, practice and learning aids of each session were adjusted with the learner’s performance in the previous ones. There were nine LD college students with language difficulties were invited to participated in the program in a college in Taiwan. Their communication performances before, during and after program were measured. The main concerns of developing this program and possible effects of the program will be reported and discussed. The result is expected to search a special program to support LD college students to succeed lifelong learning.


I-Ting Chiu

Li-Yu Hung

Ching-Ju Lin