School Psychology in Switzerland and nearby countries

Swiss Association for Child and Youth Psychology, SKJP (Philipp Ramming)
SKJP, Geschäftsstelle, CH-4500, Solothurn


Submission type

Round Table Discussion


Room 112, 10-07-2019, 13:30 - 15:00


Structure, objecties and daily work in differen school psychological services



Sameness in diversity: It should be given the opportunity to get to know the different structures and cantonal objectives of the school psychological services depending on the canton and linguistic region. We will also present the basic work descriptions for school psychologists, which was developed under the leadership of the Federation of Swiss Psychologists. Colleagues from neighbouring countries will report on school psychology in their countries. We will try to organize a visit to a School Psychology Service.




Philipp Ramming Swiss Association for Child and Youth Psychology