Effects of progressive peer support training on junior high school students: Development of peer support scale and longitudinal study

SHOJI, I (Ichiko)1, TAKAHASHI, T (Tomoko)2
1University of Tsukuba, Faculty of Human Science, Tsukuba, Japan
2University of Tsukuba, Graduante school of comprehensive human sciences, Tsukuba, Japan


Submission type

Poster only


Hallway, 10-07-2019, 15:30 - 17:00


development of peer support scale, peer support training, longitudinal study, junior high school students




Bullying is one of the most serious problems in Japan. The authors have conducted peer support programs for eradicating bullying at A junior high school. However, the spread of the effect is the task to be solved. So we added the expanded support members to the training.

The purpose of this study was to examine the reliability and validity of the peer support scale and examine the longitudinal effect on their peer support and related scales.

Participants were 900 7th and 8th grade junior high school students. Out of these students, the original peer support members, expanded support members, and other B school members attended 8 times training program. They performed four scales at the beginning and the end of one year.  Scales were consisted of peer support, social bond, sense of security, and school adaptation scale.

The analysis of peer support scale revealed certain results in reliability and validity. In addition, there was a significant longitudinal difference between the training groups and non-training groups in providing and accepting peer support. Furthermore, there was a significant difference in school adjustment between high support groups and low support groups.





Ichiko SHOJI