The Influential Consultant

Fasko, S.N. (Sharla)1, Lee, R.L. (Rachel)1, Sundstrom, L. (Lauren)1
1University of Detroit Mercy, 4001 W. McNichols Road, 48221, Detroit


Submission type

Poster only


Hallway, 22-07-2016, 16:00 - 17:00


consultation, influencer


Consultation skills are critical when developing interventions and implementer compliance. Early models of consultation included strict directives about the consultant-consultee relationship. More recently, the evidence-based communication approach of the VitalSmarts series (Crucial Conversations, Crucial Accountabilty, Influencer, etc.) has gained respect within the consultation community. Founded upon the work of Albert Bandura, this set of techniques is well suited for the consultation needs of behaviorists. However, while it has been well-received in the business community, this approach has scarcely been noticed by consultants within the school setting. Incorporating the techniques explained in Crucial Conversations (Patterson, et al, 2012) is worth exploring. This poster reviews the restrictions of the traditional consultation approaches in light of the research collected by the authors of this series. Of particular interest are the relationship limitations spelled out by Gutkin and Curtis (1982) and Reynolds et al (1988). How should we revise these tenets of consultation considering the recent research of this team?


Sharla Fasko

Rachel Lee

Lauren Sundstrom