Algebra Outcomes within an MTSS Model

Purvis, L. N. (Lee)1, Joyce-Beaulieu, D. J. (Diana)2
1Louisiana State University - Shreveport, One University Place, 71105, Shreveport
2University of Florida, 2-187 Norman Hall, 32611, Gainesville


Submission type

Oral only


Room 119, 12-07-2019, 11:00 - 12:30


secondary setting, MTSS, marginalized groups, academic outcomes


Algebra I is highly regarded as an early indicator of college readiness. The types of supports and instruction delivered in those heterogeneous earlier grade algebra courses are a critical consideration to academic success. In this study, quantitative analyses were used to examine the effects of an algebra for all implementation with enhanced curricular supports. Analyses were conducted with a particular focus on understanding outcomes stratified by race, gender, and income status. Two years of assessment and demographic data were reviewed. Qualitative methods were used to provide an overview of how enhanced curricular supports were offered within a three-tiered MTSS model in high school algebra courses. Interviews were conducted with faculty members covering topics related to tiered supports, program evaluation, and implementation of algebra for all. Progress monitoring tools were identified as well as accounts of how systemic academic progress data were utilized to inform changes in their instructional model. Data analyses concluded that algebra for all produced achievement gains for all students, regardless of gender, race, or SES and gains were not significantly difference between groups. Additionally, teachers noted important supplemental teaching and administrative infrastructure strategies that supported high achievement for all.


Lee Purvis

Diana Joyce-Beaulieu