Getting Published in the International Journal for School & Educational Psychology

Van Schalkwyk, G. J. (Gertina)
International Journal of School & Educational Psychology


Submission type

Round Table Discussion


Room 111, 10-07-2019, 13:30 - 15:00


Research, publishing, coherence, alignment, scholarly papers



Expanding the reach of School and Educational Psychology and supporting the impressive work done by our many researchers and practitioners, this presentation focuses on how to bring together the various elements of a research paper conceptualising a coherent report that would not only enrich the knowledge base, but also help you get published.  It may sound logical and easy to bring together the individual sections of a research paper but the alignment of the various parts into a coherent pattern presents challenges for authors and editors alike.  As the IJSEP editor and in collaboration with the Associate Editors, we aim with this round table discussion to facilitate improvement of papers submitted from all around the globe and guiding prospective authors to generate coherence in the different areas from the title, the abstract and the paper proper, sharing our experiences of reviewing and editing papers for publication.  Drawing from various resources, we will share exercises, templates and exemplary scholarly papers that will help colleagues create manuscripts worthy of publication.



Gertina Van Schalkwyk